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Digital Audio Project - 1

I picked digital audio for my digital media project. After texting into slack, I found 2 other people who were also interested in digital audio, Leslie and Clionadh. 

We found we all picked digital audio for similar reasons, Clionadh because she had podcast experience, Leslie because she was interested in film and especially the audio aspect, and myself as I was a bit of a mixture of both. 

We decided that the task we would do would do would be the podcast as it stuck out to each of us. 

Initially, none of us really knew each other so it was a little awkward. We decided to make a whats app group to communicate better in. After meeting up a few times, we found we were all very like minded and outgoing people, so this made the working together aspect of the project much easier to handle. 

Myself and Clionadh even found that we had similar backgrounds when it came to answering some of the questions Leslie asked us. 

Speaking of the questions, they were a bit all over the place at the start. We just thought we could have any questions and answer them however and it would be fine. We soon came to realize that it would make a lot more sense and flow much nicer if the questions were planned so that's what we did. 

After figuring out the editing process which took a little while, the rest of the project was pretty easy.

The presentation and practice part was quite easy and fast to do and we found we were rather good at presenting.


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