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Introduction to a Future Photographer

I have now successfully learned how to use a blog. My name is Kevin and I'm 19 years of age. This is my second time being a first year as I did a business course last year. It wasn't for me so I decided to switch to Creative Digital Media because it was more interesting to me. I never know what to say when someone asks me to describe myself so I'm going to try my best.

My goals for this module are basically to learn everything there is to learn about digital media. I'm really excited to be doing something in college that I am genuinely interested in so I'm eager to learn as much as possible.

When it comes to music and movies, I could go on for hours and hours. I'm not sure about my number 1 favourite movie because I'd keep changing my mind if I tried to pick just one.
My top 3 as of now would have to be: The Wolf Of Wall Street, Forrest Gump, and Avengers: Infinity War.

The first time I watched all 3 of these movies I fell in love with them instantly. The plots, character choices and cinematography for all of these movies are all perfectly done. As The Wolf of Wall Street is based on a true story and the book written by the main character, I suppose some credit has to go to him and not just the director and screenwriters. Forrest Gump is based on a book of the same name but is still a fictional story, and as much as I might wish Infinity War was real, it unfortunately is not.

As for books, I find no books better then the Harry Potter books.
I have yet to find anybody who knows as much Harry Potter trivia as me and even when I meet fellow fans of the books and movies I still hold back when it comes to talking about the finer details of the series. I have even gone as far as to get the Deathly Hallows symbol tattooed onto me so people have to believe me and I say I love Harry Potter.

Music is a whole different ball game for me. I like absolutely anything and everything. My favourite genre is rap/hip hop but I'll listen to anything from classical to rock to afrobeats to house. Some of my favourite artists/group at the moment are Kendrick Lamar, Queen, Burna Boy and Armand Van Helden.

(Links to my favourite songs by them below)

These are just a few people who's music I listen to religiously. I don't exactly have any favourite composers when it comes to classical music, I only really listen to it when I'm training in boxing or in the gym as it doesn't have any words or familiar beats to distract me. It's a bit of a weird one but next time you're in the gym, stick on a bit of Beethoven and I promise you'll be 10 times bigger within the hour (don't hold me to that though).



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